Samstag, 22. August 2009

Kleiner Auszug Sitting Bull

Ein kleiner Auszug von dem großen Häuptling Sitting Bull.

Sitting Bull Sioux Häuptling galt als Aufrührer und Querdenker. Bei den amerikanischen Behörden war er als Unruhestifter da er gegen die Verkleinerung der Reservate und das Ausbleiben der vertraglich geregelten Lebensmittellieferungen kritisierte.

The sun dance to Sitting Bull

Als er den Geistertanz eine Bewegung unter seinen Anhängern zuließ wurde er sodann von der anrückenden Armee festgenommen. Seine Anhänger leisteten Widerstand gegen die anrückende Armee und so wurde Sitting Bull am 15.12.1890 von Polizisten erschossen und anschließend wurde seine Leiche verstümmelt. Kurz danach kam es zum Massaker von Wounded Knee.

This video is about the massacre at Wounded Knee, this documentary talks about what happened before the massacre and how it effected people, this documentary tells a story of the minnecojou band that was travelling to pine ridge with chief big foot...........please leave any reviews that you would like to say, all will be appreciated

From the Indian reservation to the governmental school
Well they're goin' to educate me to the white men's Golden Rule
And I'm learning very quickly for I've learned to be ashamed
And I come when they call Billy though I've got an Indian name

And there are drums beyond the mountain Indian drums that you can't hear
There are drums beyond the mountain and they're getting mighty near

And when they think that they'd changed me cut my hair to meet their needs
Will they think I'm white or Indian quarter blood or just half breed
Let me tell you Mr teacher when you say you'll make me right
In five hundred years of fighting not one Indian turned white
And there are drums...

Well you thought that I knew nothing when you brought me here to school
Just another empty Indian just America's first fool
But now I can tell you stories that are burnt and dried and old
But in the shadow of their telling walks the thunder proud and bold
And there are drums...

Long Pine and Sequoia Handsome Lake and Sitting Bull
There's Magnus Colorado with his sleeves so red and full
Crazy Horse the legend those who bit off Custer's soul
They are dead yet they are living with the great Geronimo
And there are drums...

Well you may teach me this land's hist'ry but we taught it to you first
We broke your hearts and bent your journeys broken treaties left us cursed
Even now you have to cheat us even though you this us tame
In our losing we found proudness in your winning you found shame
And there are drums...

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